Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Andy Crouch at Christianity Today has an interesting take on the benefits of an increasingly visual culture:
Those of us with a professional interest in words tend to bemoan the rise of the image. Yet I'm more hopeful about visual culture than I am about, say, current musical culture, which the iPod is increasingly turning into a solitary experience of customized consumption. For the most part, visual technologies are restoring human beings to our God-given role as communal culture creators.
He's also hopeful that increased "visualcy" will lead Christians to take beauty more seriously:
The art world of the 20th century was often suspicious of beauty, preferring provocation and disruption. Worse, Christians in the 20th century often just ignored beauty—and many still do, considering that the only institution that produces uglier printed material than most church bulletins is the federal government.
Read the rest here.

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