Friday, February 03, 2006

Spurgeon on Christian Conversation (or the Lack Thereof)

Greg Linscott at has posted a great sermon from the "Prince of Preachers." Here's an excerpt with which Harry Blamires would most certainly agree (see his quote in the banner):

It is, however, much to be regretted that true children of the Lord often talk too little of him. What is the conversation of half the professors of the present day? Honesty compels us to say that, in many cases, it is a mass of froth and falsehood, and, in many more cases it is altogether objectionable; if it is not light and frivolous, it is utterly apart from the gospel, and does not minister grace unto the bearers. I consider that one of the great lacks of the Church, nowadays, is not so much Christian preaching as Christian talking, not so much Christian prayer in the prayer-meeting, as Christian conversation in the parlour. How little do we hear concerning Christ! You might go in and out of the houses of half the professors of religion, and you would never hear of their Master at all. You might talk with them from the first of January to the last of December; and if they happened to mention their Master's name, it would be, perhaps, merely as a compliment to him, or possibly by accident. Beloved, such things ought not to be. You and I, I am sure, are guilty in this matter; we all have need to reproach ourselves that we do not sufficiently remember the words of Malachi, 'Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.'"
I wonder what he'd think of blogging.

1 comment:

Chris said...

That is a very interesting question. I think Spurgeon needed to loosen up a little, but I bet he would have liked blogging. How much more conversation about Christ and the Christian life happens because of blogging!

Glad I stumbled on your blog.